Your Business Needs Intelligent Operational Insights

You need to keep track of important activity in and round your business 24/7. High Rise Fire and Security makes it easy with customized alerts and activity reports. You and your manages will have a new level of remote awareness to help stay on top of operations and make informed decisions.

Is your business opening late? Is it being closed early? Which employees were working at the time? You will know all this and more immediately with customized activity alerts. You can set up to be notified about important events like if a power outage occurs and when it restores, or if a refrigerator or freezer door is left open.


Your alarm system doesn’t quit working when it’s disarmed. It keeps busy monitoring activity to provide you with actionable intelligence on peak traffic times, all property activity and your alarm system status and usage. You can schedule reports to automatically be emailed or pull them up at anytime on your mobile app or web access.

Need to audit or investigate a specific activity? Our filtered activity searches make it easy to dig deeper into events or trends. You can also pull up associated video clips and user code logs for up to a year in past events.

Your security system’s machine learning algorithm monitors your daily operational activity and can identify something that is out of the ordinary. Unexpected activity alerts can then notify you immediately of unusual activity.


For complete security, it’s essential for all your devices to work together which results in more insight and control over your business. Let High Rise show you how our cloud-based technology and intuitive interface can make managing your business easier and smarter.

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