The Business Security App That Keeps You in Control

Our smartphone… It’s hard to remember what life was like before. It keeps us in touch with everything in our personal lives. But, did you know it can also put you in control of your business? Our top-rated app keeps you connected to your business security system, your access control system, your video surveillance, and other operational essentials. You stay connected no matter where you are.

Here are some of the reasons business owners tell us that our system and app is their “Essential Business Tool”

Easy Exit – It’s been a long day and you are finally closed for the night. You set you alarm at the panel and head out when you remember your keys are still in you desk drawer. Now you have to go back to your security panel and hope you can disarm your system before setting it off.

There is a much easier way. With our business security app, just grab your keys and head out the door. Once outside, push one button and your alarm is set, no more running back and forth to the alarm panel.

Is your employee closing up for the evening? Don’t worry that they will forget to set the alarm, set up a notification that when you store closes, to let you know if the alarm is not turned on. You can turn it on from wherever you are from your phone.

Know when something is out of the ordinary – You are in your office and your stock room is down the hall. You get a notification that the stock room door has been left open. Is the area left unsecured? Where are your employees? It’s nice to be notified if something isn’t quite right so you can quickly eliminate any problems.

Take A Look – It doesn’t make any difference if it is in the middle of the day or middle of the night, your app’s video feed makes it easy to see exactly what is going on at any time. Our smart video monitoring will record and store all activity. We even make it easy to find specific events in your integrated history footage.

Open up – Did your employee forget their access code? You can unlock your door and turn off the alarm system for them right from your phone making sure your store opens on time, without a hitch.


Making daily activities easier and safer for you, your employees and your customers is what we do so you can concentrate on more important things. Call us today for your free security analysis and quote:

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