Protect your employees with a multi-location panic button

The safety of employees and customers is top priority for any business owner. Put the Power of a Panic Button in the Hands of Your Employees — Even Those Who Work at More Than One Location

* An employee on her break sitting outside spots an armed person entering the loading dock doors.

* An employee walking into the restroom finds a customer who has slipped near the sink and can’t get up.

* Your store manager closes your store and is held up on the way to their car in the parking lot. She’s the last to leave so no one sees what happened.

In cases like these, our 1144 Series Key Fob Transmitters can silently signal the emergen­cy from virtually any part of your work campus. That’s because all 1144 key fobs are designed with reliable Two-Way Wireless and can communicate up to 1.7 miles open air with a high-power receiver. They’re tied back to your company’s security system that’s connected to your monitoring center. When activated, the fob sends a panic alert through to the center, and trained operators will then call the local authori­ties for help.

But shouldn’t your managers and other employees who spend time working at more than one location be provided the same safeguard?

We think so… The 1144-1P-PSV Wireless Panic Key Fob is unlike oth­er wireless key fobs, this one is designed to function at all your physical locations that are monitored by our central station.

To enable panic supervision for each of your employees, program their fob’s serial numbers into the panel at all the locations they’ll visit. The timing and order of their visits isn’t pre-set. Rather, they’ll have the flexibility to come and go from location to location as their schedules dictate.

As a result of having the 1144-1P-PSV, all your employees have panic protection, no matter which of your facilities they are working at. For example, if a manager visiting one of your locations is the one who sees the gunman enter the loading dock, she’ll be able to use her key fob to silently summon help. Like everyone else working there, she too can alert your monitoring center to call the local authorities.

Protect your employees and your customers today!

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